A wedding ring or wedding band consists of a precious metal ring, usually worn on the base of the ring finger – the fourth finger (with the thumb counted as the first finger) – of the hand. Such a ring symbolizes marriage: a spouse wears it to indicate a marital commitment to fidelity. The European custom of wearing such a ring has spread widely beyond Europe.
Many choose the metal for their wedding bands or sets by matching them to their engagement ring. However, this is not necessary. A bride can wear her engagement ring on her right hand and the wedding ring on the left (concerning Russia - vice versa). Also the bride and the groom can wear a similar style in different metals.
Yellow Gold is the most traditional of ring metals. Usually 14k, 18k, or 24 k gold is preferred. While 24k is the most pure, it is also the softest. As you are going to wear your wedding ring every day, it is better to choose 14k or 18k gold, unless you do not have to work with your hands and there is no possibility to scratch the wring.
Another hot trend is White Gold. It is cheaper than platinum and coordinates with silver jewelry.
Platinum is a very stylish metal and also the hardest one. Platinum is not mixed with the lesser metals (such as copper, for example) that gold rings are. Though, a platinum ring puts you to a lot of expense.
A wedding or an engagement ring with a precious stone is a rather extravagant choice. Here, you should consider the durability of the stone, just as the durability of gold. While softer stones might be more beautiful, they are, nevertheless, not the best pick. Of course, a precious stone wedding set may be excellent from the point of view of singularity, but again, if you are a person who does a lot of activity with your hands, that isn’t the best selection.
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